About Everything Sweden

Everything Sweden is a community magazine all about Expats in Stockholm, for people thinking of moving here, living here, and wanting to know more.

Sweden is a hard place to get started in, so we want to give you all of the info it has taken us years to learn.

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The Team

Daniel Reed

So I am Daniel Reed, originally from the UK and moved to Sweden about 2 years ago. I built Everything Sweden to offer other expats the information I wish I had when I moved to Sweden, like how to get a personnummer as well as tips that no-one else will tell you like “the S1 form is not the right one…you need this instead”.

Moises Barboza

Born in Santiago, Chile, and moved to the U.S. at the age of 13. I spent the following 15 years living in Connecticut, which is where I went to high school, college, and also met my lovely Swedish wife. I have been living in Sweden for 3 years now and plan to stay here for the long term.

Special Thanks

A big thanks to the Sweden Image Bank for their amazing image library.


Everything Sweden and its authors offer content and advice to readers and expats. We are not legally trained and the content and advice we offer will change from time to time. We can not and do not offer legal help in any shape or form. For legal issues, please contact a local lawyer.

Our privacy policy can be found here.