Personnummer in Sweden

Everyone in Sweden has a Personnummer. This 12 digit number tags everything you do in Sweden to a personal record, everything from birth to a high school grade, addresses, and even store cards.

You also NEED a Personnummer in Sweden to do anything. Gym memberships, phone contracts, jobs, store bonus cards; everything needs this number so the tax office can collect tax and social security (Socialförsäkring) from you.

Applying for a Personnummer in Sweden is a bit of a nightmare and is different for EU Citizens compared to Non-EU citizens. This guide is for EU citizens.

P.s. get some coffee. This is a long and difficult process. Even if you have all of the paperwork ready, it’s going to be a rocky road.

UPDATE: I finally got my personummer after a long wait. Find out more below.

Having issues with health care/insurance? More details at the bottom of the article.

Getting a Personnummer as an EU Citizen

Because you are from the EU, you have a right to stay in Sweden for 3 months and work. However, you will still need to get a Personnummer if you plan to stay in Sweden for the long run.

To apply, you will need to be able to either:

  • Have a job offer in Sweden from a Swedish company (and with proof – the easy way)
  • A Migrationsverket uppehållstillstånd (the right to stay in Sweden longer than 3/6 months and the card to prove it)
  • Evidence that you can support yourself with some form of regular income (with proof – really hard)

You will also need to show:

  • Your passport
  • Your E111 Health Insurance Card
  • Someone/something that can confirm your address
  • Ideally, a Swede to help with the process

Have all this ready in good time as the more you can bring, the more chance you have of your application being processed.

To Apply

You need to go in person to a Skatteverket Office (the list is here) and there is no paperwork to fill in before – just bring ALL of your documents. Be as prepared as possible. Get there before 9am (there will be a long queue) and be brutal. Push through, run to the reception, tell them what you need and get the form to fill in. The Skatteverket Offices processes Personnummer and ID-Card (ID-Kort) applications. You just want to apply for a Personnummer!

Fill in the 4-page form they give you in as much detail as possible. If you have any questions then just ask at the desk.

You will then be passed to an advisor who will process your application.

The Application

The desks at the Skatteverket Offices are high up so you feel like an ant. Give your paperwork and start telling the advisor what they need. The more you have (and have documented), the better your Personnummer application will be.

The person you speak with will ask you questions regarding your application, what you are doing in Sweden, what you plan on doing here, etc.

After your Visit

The waiting times for a Personnummer are better than Migrationsverket and are something like:

  • 1/2 weeks if you have Migrationsverket uppehållstillstånd
  • 3/4 weeks if you are applying with some other grounds

Next Steps

Then it is a waiting game. I’ve heard stories of people getting their personummer in 1 week, and others can wait months. Unfortunately, the truth is that it really depends on the case worker you get.

My experience

When I first came to Sweden, I kept my English job and worked from home. I went to Skatteverket to prove that I could support myself and had the means to do so.

UPDATE (16th June)

When I applied for my Personnummer, I said that I would be living in Sweden on my own means (have a job in the UK). This is fine but after applying for my Personnummer, I received a letter telling me that I needed adequate health insurance. I just used the E111 travel insurance card but this only covers you for up to 90 days. So I went and bought BUPA International Health insurance and upgraded the account to cover repatriation, etc, so there were no restrictions. After going back to Skatteverket to have these documents copied, I was then told a few days later that this does not quality. You MUST have a government-backed health insurance, something like:

  • S1
  • E106
  • E109
  • E121

You need to apply for these from the UK via HM Revenue and Customs. I have applied for mine and not sure how long it takes to arrive, so be prepared for a setback in getting a Personnummer!

UPDATE (25th July)

I finally received my Personummer after my second attempt. After applying for health insurance from the UK government, I was lucky enough to get a job offer from a Swedish company. This is a much quicker way of getting your personummer. I took the signed contract (needs to be a full contract with all the details of the offer) to Skatteverket and got my personummer in two weeks. They need to confirm some details with your employer and then you should be accepted.

Things to bear in mind

Health Insurance

If you move to Sweden and decide to support yourself, you will need to show that you have adequate health care from your home country or your own health insurance. This is a major pain point for most expats.

If you take a private health insurance policy from a company like BUPA (in the UK), make sure you read the full terms and conditions and ask if this policy is valid to gain a personnummer in Sweden. Most are not!

Here is another difficult part of this process. Who deals with your application can play a large part in how your application goes.

That being said, if you are looking for private health insurance (or travel insurance as I did), you need to make sure that it follows one of the following rules:

  1. The health insurance should give you cover for the time that you live in Sweden.
  2. It should be valid for at least one year from the date that you moved to Sweden.
  3. It should comply with one or other of the following requirements:
    • it should compensate necessary healthcare up to a value of at least SEK 10 million, or
    • it should correspond to the statutory health insurance in the EU or EEA nation of which you are a citizen or moved from, or
    • it may cover necessary healthcare for a lower amount than SEK 10 million but, in that case, the insurance should pay for your homeward journey for continued care in your home country.
  4. The insurance may not have any exemption clauses that mean that it does not cover necessary medical care. There may be clauses that apply to dental care, fertility treatments, voluntary plastic surgery and force majeure (sic) situations such as war and natural catastrophes.

Section 4 is the most important. You can try finding a policy online, but I would pick 2/3 providers, call them up and ask for a custom quote, with the above information included. They should be able to give you a much better chance of getting the insurance you need.

Government Health Care

Skatteverket will also suggest that you apply for an S1 form from your home country (UK/EU). We’ve heard from recent applicants that this is also wrong. Tommlie told us:

“I was told by the HMRC last week that I am not eligible for applying for public health insurance in the UK to move to Sweden as you do NOT qualify for an S1 form (this has been replaced by E106, E109 and E121 so they do not actually exist any more) unless you are a pensioner/on benefits (neither apply to me). I will instead have to take out extensive private health insurance. I then spoke to their healthcare team and they advised when I arrive I need to ask Försäkringskassan to request a S041 (used to be A104) form to be sent to HMRC and they will process it.”

This is process takes a long time to we suggest you plan ahead for this part of the process. You can read Skatteverket’s full description on their website.


Read this guide on the Skatteverket website about applying for a personummer.

How did you get your personummer? Let us know on Facebook or in the comments section.

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65 thoughts on “Personnummer in Sweden

    1. Hey Tomas. Sorry we don’t give personummer’s, just the information around them. You will need to speak with Skatteverket.

  1. Hello, As a foreigner in Sweden, living here almost 4 months and they already refused giving me a number once, I was asked for the same health insurance. I have no idea what that insurance is and, becaouse I am from Bulgaria, guess what… The agencies there have no idea either. So it will be really halpfull for me if you coud give me some tips or info about that kind of insurance.
    The article was really helpful, though… At least now I now I’m not the only one.. 😀

    1. Hey Eva. Thanks for leaving a comment! Love the idea and will turn that into a post or new section soon. Currently working on a “Driving in Sweden” section. Stay tuned 🙂

    1. Hey. In my experience no, unless you are renting with someone else that has a personummer and you can flat share. However, when I first came to Sweden as a student, I rented a flat from the University without a personummer, but that is a special circumstance. Like I say, you need one for everything!

      1. But it seems like a vicious circle… You can’t rent a flat in Sweden because you don’t have personnummer. And you can’t get personnummer without living in Sweden for some time! I want to move to Sweden, but I don’t know what I should do first and how. 🙁

        1. Looking for a job or a full time student programme is normally the best start and there are companies and will help new employees get their personummer. You’re right that it’s a viscous circle. You can apply and prove that you can support yourself but that’s often a very lengthy process.

        2. Maciej, are you still having problems with that? Seems like you are from Poland, me too 🙂 I just received my personal number by buying Travel Plus insurance from Warta, the premium option for 12 months. After sending those papers to Skatteverket I received my PN after 4 days!!! And I was trying all other ways to get it since January 🙁

          1. Hey!
            I am extremely happy to hear that the insurance you mentioned is enough. I’m also from Poland and been trying to find any info on what insurance they deem “acceptable” for quite a while now.
            Do you know if there is any way to make sure the insurance is enough before buying it? Would contacting Skatteverket with the insurance details work? Is there any list of acceptance insurances anywhere?

          2. Hey

            Your comment gives me hope. Could you please tell me exactly what insurance option you bought? Any additions? I’m from Poland as well and been stuck on choosing an insurance option Skatteverket deems “acceptable” for way too long for my sanity.

            Are there any lists of approved private insurances or any way to know it’s OK before buying it, or do we just have to gamble a significant amount of money purchasing one and crossing our fingers hoping they like it?

          3. (Sorry my first comment was written on my phone, no proofreading, heat of the moment, overjoyed someone might have found an acceptable insurance 😛 )

  2. I’m in the process of applying for international health insurance as I am moving to Sweden next month as a self-sufficient person until I can find work. I just have a few general points as some information has contradicted what I have been told by HMRC in the last week.
    I was told by the HMRC last week that I am not eligible for applying for public health insurance in the UK to move to Sweden as you do NOT qualify for an S1 form (this has been replaced by E106, E109 and E121 so they do not actually exist any more) unless you are a pensioner/on benefits (neither apply to me). I will instead have to take out extensive private health insurance. I then spoke to their healthcare team and they advised when I arrive I need to ask forsakringskassan to request a S041 (used to be A104) form to be sent to HMRC and they will process it. Before I go my only option is the private health insurance route and there is very clear criteria on the skatteverket site:
    “Private health insurance
    You can also have a fully comprehensive private health insurance. In that case it must fulfil the following four criteria:
    1. The health insurance should give you cover for the time that you live in Sweden.
    2. It should be valid for at least one year from the date that you moved to Sweden.
    3. It should comply with one or other of the following requirements:
    -it should compensate necessary healthcare up to a value of at least SEK 10 million, or
    -it should correspond to the statutory health insurance in the EU or EEA nation of which you are a citizen or moved from, or
    -it may cover necessary healthcare for a lower amount than SEK 10 million but, in that case, the insurance should pay for your homeward journey for continued care in your home country.
    4. The insurance may not have any exemption clauses that mean that it does not cover necessary medical care. There may be clauses that apply to dental care, fertility treatments, voluntary plastic surgery and force majeure situations such as war and natural catastrophes”

    Also I have *literally* just got off the phone from BUPA global who advised me that they have found out in the last year or so that there is some sort of clause in their cover that does not fulfil Swedish regulations so if you take out a 12-month insurance cover with BUPAGlobal to be used while living in Sweden it will be rejected when applying for a personnummer. So maybe good to know and save some time and money before you take it out and it be rejected at the tax office!
    I am back to looking for other providers that’s policy will be accepted Sweden (awaiting a couple call backs from ones like Aviva after the weekend so hopefully that would be accepted.)
    I am a little confused that they advised you to do the S1 form- I’m wondering if your BUPA cover was rejected because of the same reason the guy told me on the phone earlier.

    Apologies, long post but my brain is just frazzled with conflicting information! >____<

    1. Hey there. You’re right. This whole thing is really difficult and really depends on who you speak with unfortunately and there is so much conflicting information. My BUPA insurance was rejected and I was lucky to get a Swedish job before needing to look again. The worst part is Skatteverket are still suggesting people apply for the S1. Big thanks for your comments and I am in the process of updating this article so will add your pointers in there. It would be great if you can let me know if you find a personnummer valid private health insurance package as well. I’ll be in touch.

    2. I too have had problems with the Health Care part of application process. I had comprehensive health cover from my employment, but since it was tied to that specific job they would not accept it incase I became unemployed. Also have tried going through the expatriation route with HMRC which has proven to be a huge waste of time, they are apparently so under staffed that the application time increased to 60 weeks or something ridiculous, applied in December and not holding out any hope of a solution any time soon. Would be really eager to hear how you get on with private health care providers, if you could email any news I would hugely appreciate it.



  3. What applies for those who are non-EU citizens. How long does it take to have a personnumber sfter receiving a reseident card? What if you are pregnant and need a decision fast to benefit from health services?

    1. Times can vary but if you’ve told your case worker that you are pregnant and need healthcare quickly, then I’m sure they will escalate your case. Let me know how it goes!

  4. Hello,

    I been having major problems getting the number. It seems impossible to do almost.
    I live together with my swedish partner here but him financially supporting me wasnt enough. I still had the health insurence part to deal with.
    I recently started working for vikariebanken in förskolan here in Sweden.
    But because these are not steady our it will problaby not be enough.
    I have been working 20 hours a week or more since I started.

    Really don’t know what to do.

    1. Hey Daphne, have you asked your employer if they can sponsor you to get a personnummer? Also, are you working for pay or just volunteering? I don’t think you are allowed to get paid without a personnummer unless your paperwork is being processed.

  5. hey , skatteverket refuses to get me a personummer because that my residence permit is less than one year , but im just follwed by my father who work in sweden and have a residence permit and has the personummer. And now we are applying for an extension of the permit. But it may takes a lot of time. Is there anything to do to get a personnummer? Because i really need it while waiting the extension.

    1. Hey Ratane. Unfortunately if you’ve submitted the paperwork, you just need to sit and wait for Skatteverket to come back to you. They are slow but there is not much you can do to speed things up. Good luck!

  6. Thanks! This was so useful albeit I read it too late. I can’t believe how difficult it was to obtain a personal number! The Swedish skatteverket should know that British Citizens are covered by the NHS and so there is no “health insurance” per se, I was so baffled as to how to get proof of this as I had moved to Sweden to be with my husband. I ended up applying through the migration board where I had to fill in some very long forms detailing my relationship with my husband etc, 8 months later and I finally got a letter saying I have residence for 2 years and I should go to a migrationboard and get my photo and fingerprint taken for the ID card. I received the card a week later and just went to the skatteverket again to apply for a Personnnummer and they took all my details and a scan of my passport and ID card and said it could take 4-8 weeks?!!!! Another two months of waiting potentially! Quite ridiculous..what’s the point of being an EU citizen if the application process is the same as a non EU citizen?!

  7. What about people who work on a freelance basis, for short-term contracts for clients from outside Sweden? What is the option if you are in Sweden for 3-6 months only on such contracts? I mean, how do you rent accommodation? etc. because there seems to be no point in going through all the trouble of getting the personnumer.

    1. Hey Sannia. Yes that’s a tricky one. I’ve heard of people arranging what they call “coordination numbers” or “temporary personnummers” but since you are here for such a short time, that will be a tough battle. Since you are freelance, you could add the additional cost of a hotel/AirBnB to your fee but that’s you call, or speak to your client and see if they can help. Call Skatteverket and ask and I would love to know what they say!

  8. Hi ,
    Me and my Girlfriend came from Portugal, She have EU passport but i have Non Eu Passport, we went to Skat office for Personnummer we filled the form and wait after 3 weeks we both got letters that
    I need to show proof that we both lived in Portugal together (Which was not possible in Portugal cause of Old joint family system in Portugal ).
    She got letter that she need to submit, Bank Statement (Minimum 15000 Euros) +
    S1 or E106 Health insurance letter ,+ Single/ Divorce Certificate.
    we submitted the copies of these 3 certificates in our first visit. we do it again.
    As a non Eu citizen and a family member (Boy Friend) of my Girl, do i need to show Insurance of 10 Million SEK ???

    1. Hey, the bad news is (from what I understand) yes you do. And the (health) insurance needs to insure up to 10 million SEK but they only really accept government-backed health insurance, not private insurance from providers like BUPA. I’m from the UK and I needed to get my NHS benefits transferred to Sweden. Sorry for the bad news.

  9. I have sonmething called “Tax Identification Number” in Sweden (my employer arranged the paperwork - HR is on holiday so I can’t have questions answered). Is this number the same as the “personnummer”?
    I’ve also heard that I can check my personnummer online? is there a link I can do that?

    PS: my tax ID number format is: YYMMDD-XXXX
    YYMMDD is the birthdate with the value 60 added on the DD.
    XXXX is a random 4 digit sequence

    1. Hey George. That might be a “coordination” number which is a temporary. If it has a 60 added then sounds like that. You can try and signup for something that needs a personnummer and see if it works. I don’t know if any official website that checks but if your number is longer than 10 digits (12 with the full year) then it might fail. Let me know how you do.

  10. Hello my baby son have received a confirmation letter approving his personnummer .Now we went to fosakringkassan and file another aplicación similar with the first aplication se have done when applying for personnummer.I want to know what exactly is fosakringkassan And when can i be able to do him the id card.My partner is swedish permanent resident(not me or my son).

    1. Hey Cuide. Forsakringskassan is the government agency that deals with most of the benefits and health payments for residents in Sweden. If your child is still a baby, you might be better getting a passport instead (info here) of an ID card. I hope that helps.

  11. Hello!
    Do you really need to provide a proof of your swedish address? I just called skatteverket and they said it wasn’t necessary, but I don’t want to show up there and someone tell me otherwise.

    1. Hey Nat. I needed to prove that I was registered at a Swedish address. Worst thing is that different people at Skatteverket often five different information. I would bring proof if you can, otherwise try without.

  12. hello
    i just wanted to ask about personal number.
    i have a long term austrian residency and we have an E-card as our health insurance does that covered in sweden?
    i wanted to enter school to learn swedish.


    1. Hey there Nadine. It will for the first 90 days and then you will need to be registered with Försäkringskassan and need to have a personal number. You will also need a personal number to learn Swedish at school. I hope that helps.

  13. Hello,

    It always seems as though people will post about their challenges and then we never hear back. Has anyone found any private insurance that has indeed qualified as being sufficient?

  14. I’m from Scotland but I was also having the same issue finding an acceptable private he lath insurer trying to go down the self sufficient route. In the end I had to leave that option as no UK private health insurance was deemed extensive enough so it was not worth it.
    Skatteverket will NOT provide a list of any health insurers they woukd approve- I know this because I had a huge to and fro email exchange with them prior to me moving to Sweden and in their words, it was “my responsibility to find a health insurer that covers all their requirements, and even if u had heard of someone being approved using a certain health insurer there’s no guarantees everyone would be. Each case is circumstantial.” So it really is just a game of risk, although if you have heard of someone who had been approved before with one then I look into that one and find out as much information from the health provider.
    The reason I know no UK private health insurance is accepted here in Sweden is by calling them all and asking them if they have had any cases of people asking for thus insurance moving to Sweden. They all replied or emailed back confirming they’ve had problems with Skatteverket previously with clients using their health insurance to get their personnummer.
    So ny advice is to call and get in contact with private health insurers in you country, but the Polish one that was approved should be a first point of contact.

  15. Hello,
    I am also going to move to Sweden in order to study.
    Has anyone else any experience with the AXA’s PPP International health insurance plans and the Statteverkert?

  16. Hello Daniel,

    I am Lara. I am Spanish but work in the U.K. My partner is swedish. The lady at the skatteverket told me I needed to bring the contract with me, payslips, passport, s1 (which i dont think I am legible for) and a paper that states my taxes in the U.K. I am a bit confused on how to do with the S1 to be honest.

  17. I am from Brazil and I will be moving to Sweden next week. My visa was already granted as it’s a work journey.
    My wife has an European Passport, as she has Spanish citizenship.

    How long can she stay in Sweden?
    We have a house already rented for one year and we can provide the financial support from my company.

    Will she have to prove a health insurance to stay in Sweden for longer than 3 months (we intend to stay one year)?


  18. Axa seemed like the only promising one for me in the sense that they weren’t aware of skatteverket refusing their policy but they also couldn’t say for definite it had been approved. And I remember looking up what the policy covered for me and it still fell short of one of skatteverkets conditions (the one about there being no limit on something- I can’t remember exactly) and my policy was going to be over £4000 because of my asthma so it was too pricey a risk to take.
    Have you been accepted into a place of study in sweden or are you just moving there, living off savings/looking for work while looking at places to study? Because of its the former then I don’t think you’ll get a personnummer as a student? Look on skatteverkets website they have a ‘are you coming to Sweden for: work/study/with swedish partner’ section that tells you what you will be allowed to get. Failing that, just email Skatteverket directly to ask. Also I would call Axa as well because even though I was disappointed their policy wouldn’t have been accepted here for me, the staff are really friendly so it’s always better to ask direct!

    1. Thank you for answering to my question. I have been offered a place of study in KTH. Also, AXA informed me that the Comprehensive plan of the AXA’s PPP International health insurance program is eligible for obtaining an personnummer

      1. Hi Sotiris! I am student as well and I applied for the personnummer with an AXA health insurance (mine via Alpha Bank) program too. Unfortunately, mine was turned down. Can you please give me more information regarding AXA’s program? Which one did you choose (price, how many months)? Did you obtain your personnumer? Thank you in advance.

  19. Read this through and its bit off putting but here are my circumstances and a couple of questions.

    I moved from Hong Kong ( I am a UK citizen though) with my swedish partner.
    I am self employed and earn a good salary. We just moved to Sweden. I also have savings that are between 1.5 million and 2 million SEK in a a foreign bank. I also have the AXA policy mentioned above by someone.

    1. From my understanding I can apply for the Personnummer also by showing I have sufficient funds in my account to support myself here - Is this true and is this easy to then be processed?

    2. Or is it better to claim I am earning money as a self employed person and show monthly earnings proof.? If I do this, then I assume as I am applying for a P.nummer than I am then a resident and should be paying taxes from now on? Not a problem just wanted to know the logic of how they work. I assume that by having the P.nummer you are then required automatically to delcare taxes in April/May?

    3. Ill call axa now and update this!

  20. Hi Everyone, I just wanted to tell you my success story with the personnummer:

    I’m studying at Gothenburg University. I’am from Argentina but I also have an Italian citizenship, so when they asked for an EHIC, I couldn’t provide one, so I had to choose a private insurance. I chose AXA PPP Comprehensive Insurance and applied for the personnummer last monday, and 5 days later, boalá, I had a letter from Skattverket with my new personnummer.

    Hope this helps guys!

    1. Hi Gonzalo! I applied for my personnummer with the Global Medical Care Insurance by AXA but had no luck. Of course, it is not the AXA PPP Comprehensive Insurance that you applied with but can you please tell me how much did you pay for yours and for how many months (eg. 6 months, 12 months)? Thank you.

      1. Any news about this particular plan by AXA PPP? Did anyone else use it and worked as well? And how about the cost?
        Thanks in advance!

  21. Hello Gonzalo, my girlfriend needs a private health insurance to get her personal number here in sweden, could you possibly go into details how you proceeded with yours? and possibly how much you paid and for how long? Thank you.

  22. I have applied for person number ? 2 weeks back But not rceived yet? Is it possible that if address is iisue it is returned & who do i get to know that? can i go to tax office & enquire ? will theyu provide me the details?

    1. Hey Sunil, it really depends on case to case so I would just keep calling your case worker or the Skatteverket office you visited and get frequent updates. Sorry I can’t be more use.

  23. Crikey, this does seem a bit much. I am half British/Finnish and have been considering just renewing my Finnish nationality in order to stay in Sweden, after reading this, I will definitly be going down this route rather than trying to do so with my British passport. Thanks for the advice!

  24. Thanks for the detailed info
    I’ll be in Sweden on a work permit for 7 months
    My Visa Validity too is 7 months.
    Can i apply for a personal number in Sweden

  25. Hello ,I would like to know if anyone else has been applying for the personal number by the migrationsverket as an EU citizen and how long has it take for them to get a reply with the personnummer.Thanks so much .

  26. Hi. Having a nightmare with the personnumber for my wife. We are both UK citizens and we came to Sweden in August as I am studying at Uppsala University for at least the next 2 years. I had to prove I was enrolled at the University and show my EHIC card as well as proof of savings which I was able to do. I have received my personnumber and an ID card. The problem is with my wife. They refused to accept any health insurance and also refused to accept her EHIC card. They then told her to get a job and a contract and its straight forward. She did this and even had the tax office visit her workplace where they confirmed with her employer what had to be completed on the contract for her to get a personnumber. We went to the tax office armed with all of this, as per their instructions, and submitted the forms. The advisors all said that it was perfect and in order. About 2 weeks later she was rejected, for the 5th time, stating that the contract was not in order. We are now faced with her employer saying she cant be paid for the past 3 months work due to no personnumber and the tax office saying she needs to get a contract to get a personnumber…. its going in circles and is incredibly frustrating. It feels like they have no idea what they are doing as every time she has been rejected we have gone through the steps on the letter to reapply and have been told by the advisors that its in order only to get rejected a few weeks later… Any advice on how to get this sorted will be gratefully received… Thank you

  27. Do you know if there is a fine if you have Swedish citizenship (naturalized) and move out of Sweden but the move is not registered? I thought I’d registered but apparently not. In that case, do I register my move as of the day I registered or day (somewhat long ago) that I moved? Do I have to pay income tax on money earned outside Sweden and outside the EU if I’m paying tax in the country where I live? I cannot find the information, and the Swedish consulate couldn’t help

    1. Hey Michelle. Great question. I suggest you speak to Skatteverket actually as this isn’t something I’ve come across before.

  28. Has anyone from that UK had any luck with regestering as self sufficient with private health insurance/travel insurance. I cannot seem to find anyone that can confirm the cover will work.

    1. Hey Dan, I was refused this summer after showing sufficient funds. They refused to enter a conversation regarding suitable health cover and obviously the real problem is essentially the UK government who pulled long term European health cover for under 65s in 2014. The problem with Skattverket is that it depends entirely on who you speak to. I’ve been here as a ‘right to reside EU citizen’ nearly two years now without one, obviously there’s now a push to get one now because of Brexit. So disappointed with the whole system, turns out the free movement of people isn’t quite as easy as it sounds. I’m taking another run at it this week, will update with any info…

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